You don’t have to love me, just accept me(my existence).
I acknowledge we cannot agree with everything or everyone.
But We have to respect each other’s existence or boundaries.
We cannot hurt people. Hurting someone is meaningless.
Accepting everyone’s existence is called “coexisting”.
In this piece, We want to express this message:
We are totally different, and this is our power and best quality, acceptance for diversity and exploring the unknown is what makes progress and beauty.
皆が “すべての人や物事に対していつも賛成する”
「私たちは、まったく違う。でも、それが私たちのパワーであり、ベストなクオリティである。 多様性を受け入れ、知らないことの可能性などを探索していくというのが、私たちを進化させ、美しくするものなのです。」
8/29 (Sun)
20:00 Arts On Site NYC, Inc.
12 St. Marks Pl, New York
10/24/2021 (Sun)
3:33pm Prospect Park, New York
This project was possible by the help of City Artist Corps Grants – NYFA